pandemic has led the world to a state of uncertainty. It led to extraordinary
challenges to public health, global work-frame, and food systems. Many people
out there face the threat of existential crisis with no job opportunities and
no income.
deeply affects people of all ages, especially the newborns and older ones.
These two sections of people tend to have a weak immune system. Niti Aayog
member V K Paul stated: “The main reason is that coronavirus is a respiratory
virus and usually respiratory viral infections have a tendency to increase
during winters… so we need to be more careful during the forthcoming months.”
If you’re over 60 here are some of the ways you can follow to boost your
immunity and rule out coronavirus and its problems:
Having a healthy diet - Consuming a healthy diet is a great way to boost your immune system. It prevents you from malnutrition and viruses in all forms. A healthy diet involves a combination of food rich in vegetables and fruits, containing vitamins and antioxidants for improved good health. Ayurveda says it is also effective to drink tulsi water 2-3 times a day for improved immunity. Of many antiviral herbs, it obstructs you from viral infections. Reducing your take of sugar, fat, and processed foods are also necessary.
Minimize your stress level - Our immune system gets deeply influenced by chronic stress. It reduces the effectiveness of our defense system. Due to the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that aids our body deal with stressful conditions, it also limits the physical functions to fight any external threats. That is why it is important to manage our stress levels. Short-term stress doesn’t do harm but chronic stress makes your body defenseless to viruses. Ayurvedic herbs like ashwagandha, bhringraj, Brahmi help you calm the mind.
Be Active - At 60, it could be challenging for a human to involve in physical activities. That doesn’t imply that he/she should stop working entirely. It is always better to exercise regularly. This may comprise any low tension workout like swimming, cycling, walking, yoga, and the like. It is advised to have at least 30 minutes of workout three days a week.
Get a good amount of sleep - People usually ignore the importance of sleep. Good sleep helps build the immune system of our body. It also improves our concentration, brain function, and memory. Lack of proper sleep could lead to weak immunity. It is recommended to have at least seven and a half to nine hours of sleep per night.
Keep up healthy weight - Being overweight and underweight are both harmful to your immunity. Increased physical activities and having a healthy diet according to your needs would help you overcome this problem. It also reduces inflammation and makes your immunity strong.
Quit Smoking - We all know cigarettes contain chemicals that are harmful to our respiratory organs. They can cause various health problems like bronchitis, pneumonia, flu, and lung cancer as well. Since COVID-19 attacks our respiratory organs, quitting this everyday habit could be a blessing for your immunity. Turmeric is a great herbal medicine that could help you stop the craving. Studies also say curcumin could be the possible herbal medicine for corona treatment too.
are some of the possible ways of building a strong immune system.
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